Collocations Quiz

This quiz tests what you learned in the previous blog posts.
1. A collocation is two or more words that
a. often go together
b. have similar meanings
c. must be used together
2. Collocations sound “right” to native English speakers, because they sound a. unnatural
b. are rarely used
c. are often used
3. If you learn and use many collocations, your English will sound more
a. unusual
b. more grammatical
c. more natural
4. Which is a very common collocation?
a. quick food
b. fast food
c. rapid food
5. Complete the collocation: “I was running late so I only had time for a _____ shower.”
a. short
b. quick
c. fast
6. It’s best for learners to think of collocations as being
a. single parts of speech
b. blocks of language
c. rules of grammar
7. Collocations can be divided into several types such as _________ collocations.
a. verb + noun
b. subject + object
c. first + second
8. Which is an example of a verb + noun collocation?
a. a terrible mistake
b. commonly mistaken
c. make a mistake
9. Complete with a verb + adverb collocation: “You’ll do it if you ________ enough.”
a. try hard
b. really try
c. want to
10. Which is a common adverb + adjective collocation?
a. richly decorated
b. richly wealthy
c. greedily rich
Correct answers:
- often go together
- are often used
- more natural
- fast food
- quick
- blocks of language
- verb plus noun
- make a mistake
- try hard
- richly decorated